Should You Accept the First Offer of Compensation From the ICWA?

20 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you live in Western Australia and are unlucky to be involved in an accident with injury, you may find that your case is handled by a government body called the Insurance Commission of Western Australia. In due course, you may receive a settlement offer from this body, suggesting that you approve it with your signature. In this situation, you may wonder what to do next, and it pays to understand exactly what this body is and what could happen if you sign.

Administering Insurance Cases

The Insurance Commission of Western Australia Is owned by the state government and is responsible for administering and managing compulsory third-party insurance schemes in the state. In this case, it would represent the interest of the driver or party responsible for the accident that caused your injury and will be looking to settle the case as soon as possible.

Making an Offer

Clearly, wherever insurance is involved, the administrator will want to minimise costs, and in that respect, the ICWA will act in a similar fashion to an independent insurance company. So, just because this is a government body does not mean they will necessarily look out for your best interests as the plaintiff in such a case.

Stating Your Case

In order for you to get the best outcome and compensation for your injuries, you need to put forward a comprehensive case. If you haven't done this already and signed the document sent to you by the Commission, then you will not be able to make any further claims following that date. Once you have an offer of settlement and accept it, that's the end of the story.

Assessing Potential

Sometimes, medical conditions can get worse in the weeks and months following an accident, and you may face long-term costs and hardships that you should consider. These issues could result in a more significant settlement, so it is definitely in your interest to look at all your options before you sign that document.

Getting a Second Opinion 

It's best if you get in touch with a lawyer who specialises in compensation claims, and they will fully assess your offer. They will look at your medical records and your individual circumstances, so they can give you expert advice to tell you if the offer that you have received is reasonable or not.

Making a Shrewd Decision

Don't be tempted to jump at the first offer you get from the Commission. Take legal advice first in all situations.

For more info, consult a lawyer
